Tormented souls tits
Tormented souls tits

tormented souls tits

But how you FEATURE that nudity in any format is important. Showing breasts is nothing what should be wrong.


I really like this game otherwise and I'm looking forward to playing the full title. I have played numerous fixed camera angle games and I'm used to this causing issues with combat but I just found that there were more issues than expected in this game - the weapon aiming and firing just felt sluggish to me. I also agree with you that the female character's outfit was pretty odd but it didn't bother me that much. There are different ways of featuring nudity in many formats and it's as easy to feature nudity in an artistic way or showing it as a necessary part of a narrative, as it is to show it in a sexualised way. Thanks, I don't know why there are people attacking others on here for pointing out that the nudity didn't feel right in the game.

tormented souls tits

Now that you've already created a topic to share your constructive criticism, here are some aspects from the demo that I feel need to improve: The atmosphere and environment are incredible, and I even liked the puzzles, but the demo is a bit too rough on some edges. Originally posted by ksio89:I feel like you took the words from my keyboard, I have the same opinion as you.


also I noticed a technical goof on the valve pressure puzzle: on the piece of paper stuck to the generator and the pressure gauge, it should read "kg/cm²" (mass per area, or pressure) instead of "kg/cm", which doesn't make any sense in this context. I really think there should be an option to disable that. when the character health is on danger and the inventory is open the controller vibrates along with the heartbeats, this is very annoying and distracting. the nudity at the beginning was cheap fanservice and completely unecessary He looked as if he was made from wax and first time I saw him, I actually thought he was a monster lol. The Father model was laughable, specially his face. character modelling is really, really off, I felt like the character model is from an anime game, and her outfit just doesn't fit the scenery and atmosphere at all. Also, I don't know if it just wasn't implemented in the demo, but she did not run while holding the correspondent button. However, if you move the left stick just slightly, Caroline will walk normally, I felt this should be the normal walking animation, only faster. walking animation is very weird, looks like she was hopping instead of walking.

tormented souls tits

I also felt the aiming was a bit off, the character is kinda slow to ready the weapon on button press and back dodge was not very responsive, I mean, there's either a great delay between pressing R1/RB + square/X or a "cool off" time to perform the move again I feel like you took the words from my keyboard, I have the same opinion as you.

Tormented souls tits